
Fornuftig cykelhjelm debat i Australien

I denne artikel fra Australien kan man se at debatten er på et langt højere niveau end i Danmark.

Head Case

Bill Curnow, the president of the Cyclists Rights Action Group in Canberra, reviewed the scientific literature for a 2008 book, Transport Accident Analysis and Prevention, and concluded science had not been applied to assess the efficacy of helmets to protect the brain, against diffuse injury in particular, arguing the medical profession and helmet industry have been "unduly influential" in the introduction of compulsory helmet wearing.

Scientific circles had "widely discredited" the theory that linear acceleration is the main cause of brain injury, yet helmet makers had made a huge investment in this theory and designed their helmets accordingly, says Curnow, while ignoring the role of angular acceleration in causing brain injury, due to rotation of the head.

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